View looking out of car windshield while driving on a snowy road

Basic winter driving tips

Learn how to help navigate challenging road conditions and prepare for potential emergencies with these winter driving safety tips.

Winter driving can be challenging, even for the most experienced drivers. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, about 70% of the nation’s roads are in snowy regions, which can significantly impact travel. Each year, more than 1,300 people are killed and over 116,800 people are injured in weather-related vehicle crashes on snowy, slushy or icy roads. This emphasizes the importance of preparing your car for winter and following safe driving tips.

General winter driving safety tips

When winter arrives, it’s important to adjust your driving to adapt to the season’s challenges.  Here are some general tips to help you arrive safely at your destination when winter conditions present:

  • Clear frost, snow and ice thoroughly from all windows and exterior mirrors of your car. Brush snow away to help prevent it from blowing into your line of sight while driving.
  • Never warm up your vehicle in a closed garage, as this could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Keep your gas tank half full to help prevent the gas line from freezing. Also, consider keeping a full tank of gas in case you are stuck in the snow waiting for help to arrive.
  • Check that your exhaust pipe is not clogged with mud or snow.
  • Use extra caution when driving in winter conditions. Slow down and allow additional time to reach your destination.
  • Use your headlights to increase visibility, even during the daytime.
  • Allow more time and space for braking when visibility or road condition is poor.
  • If your vehicle has anti-lock brakes, be familiar with how they operate so you are not surprised if your ABS brakes engage in slick driving conditions.
  • Consider installing snow tires before the first snowfall.

How to drive in snow

Gentle maneuvers and increased awareness are key when driving in snow. If you see snow on the roads, here are some tips to consider.

  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly to help maintain traction and avoid skids.
  • Don't pass snowplows or sanding trucks — they are likely trying to clear the road ahead.
  • Approach intersections slowly, and brake gently to help avoid skidding. If you slide, turn your steering wheel in the direction your vehicle is sliding.
  • Avoid using cruise control, especially if ice might be present.
  • Drive slower than usual. Double the typical distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you to about eight seconds and decrease your speed by five to 10 miles per hour.
  • Avoid the impulse to slam on your brakes. Instead, ease off the accelerator, slowly tap the brakes to slow momentum and eventually come to a complete stop.
  • If driving uphill, maintain a constant speed and avoid stops midway to help prevent your wheels from spinning.
  • Reduce your speed and proceed downhill as slowly as possible to help maintain control.

Safety tips if you’re stranded in a snowstorm

Few people like driving through a snowstorm, and some may disregard warnings to stay off the roads when a storm is coming. But even the best-prepared and expert drivers can get stuck. If it happens to you, here are some important reminders:

  • Be prepared. Some storms can come on quickly, so check the weather before you hit the road. If you do get stranded, keeping a few essentials in your car can help keep you comfortable while you wait.
  • Stay inside. If possible, pull off the highway and turn on your hazard lights or tie something bright to your car's antenna or door handle to signal that you need help. Then wait inside your vehicle until help arrives to avoid exposure to frostbite and help prevent hypothermia.
  • Call 911. If possible, call for help and describe your location as best as you can.
  • Run your engine. Provided you have enough gas in your tank, run the engine for about 10 minutes every hour to help keep the car warm.
  • Clear the tailpipe. Watch for oncoming traffic before exiting your vehicle. See that no snow is covering your tailpipe to help prevent potential carbon monoxide buildup inside the car. If you can do so safely, check the tailpipe periodically to help ensure any fresh snow isn't blocking it.
  • Use lights sparingly. Having both interior and exterior lights on can increase your visibility to others but be mindful this may impact your vehicle’s battery life.
  • Drink fluids. Dehydration can make you more susceptible to the effects of the cold. If there's no drinking water inside your car, try melting snow inside a bag or other makeshift cup to help keep you hydrated.
  • Try to stay warm in your vehicle. Use whatever you can find to help keep you warm like floor mats, newspapers or blankets.
  • Keep moving. Staying active inside your car might help you keep warm. Clap your hands and tap your toes to help keep your circulation moving and prevent frostbite but try to avoid overexertion and sweating.
  • Don't overexert yourself. Cold weather can put your heart under added stress. If you're not used to exercise, shoveling snow or pushing a car could increase your risk of a heart attack.

How to drive on ice

When driving on icy roads, be particularly cautious on bridges, overpasses and infrequently traveled roads, which will freeze first. Black ice, a thin coating of glazed ice can be even more dangerous because it’s virtually transparent, making it difficult to detect until you are on it. It’s important to drive at slower-than-posted speeds and increase your following distance, in case you spin out or someone else loses control.

If your vehicle begins to skid, do not overcorrect or make sharp turns. Instead, keep your foot off the brake and steer in the same direction as the skid until you regain control of the vehicle. If driving up a hill, wait until the car in front of you has reached the top before you start up. Drive steadily up the hill but avoid going too fast to help prevent swerving. Even salted roads can be slippery. If possible, delay driving until temperatures rise.

Pack a winter survival kit

Keep an emergency kit and small winter survival kit on hand in case severe weather hits. Some useful items include:

  • A first-aid kit
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Ice scraper and brush
  • Shovel
  • Medications
  • Blankets, warm clothing, hats and gloves, scarves, hand and foot warmers, wool socks and other cold weather gear to help protect against hypothermia
  • Water bottles and non-perishable foods
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Tow chain or rope
  • Sand or cat litter for traction
  • Jumper cables
  • Emergency flares
  • Fluorescent flag and whistle to attract attention

Driving safely during winter requires attention and precaution. Stay informed about the weather, plan your route and take your time. With these winter driving tips, you can have a safer journey. Remember, being prepared and informed is key to safe winter driving.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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